The Redneck Margarita Recipe comes to us from Redding. Jason Dunn's Mom gave him the recipe (though she called it Whitetrash Margaritas... not really sure why or how the name got changed... but either name is fitting!), he was kind enough to share with me and I have been cooling countless parched throats since then.
One thing I would recommend is to resist using an expensive/high quality tequila, since the Cuervo Golds of the world provide the most "bang" for the buck. Also, the recipe calls for specific brands of "mixers", they can obviously be substituted, but (as it stands) this is a winning combination. So, alas... here's the mix:
1 Corona Beer - 12 ounces
1 Can of Limeade Concentrate (comes frozen) - 12 ounces
1 Can of 7-Up - 12 ounces
Tequila - 12 ounces. I find using the empty can of Limeade after you empty it, is most useful.
Put ice in a cup and ENJOY!!!
OK, now I'm thirsty. Is Raf signed up for drinks on SOS?
Sounds like a winning receipt to me.I'm in anytime anyone makes some.
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