Monday, September 27, 2010

Ray Burdeos: Pinoy Stewards in the U.S. Sea Services

Seeking for a better future in the land of milk and honey in America, and reaching to fulfill a dream of travel and adventure to see the world, many young Filipinos during the 50’s and the 60’s enlisted in the U.S. Sea Services (Navy and Coast Guard). I was one of those adventurers who joined the U.S. Coast Guard in 1959, starting off as a steward recruit in Sangley Point, Philippines, retiring after 27+ years of service.

A new book by Ray Burdeos (see photo), Pinoy Stewards in the U.S. Sea Services: Seizing Marginal Opportunity, depicts the experiences of several of us Pinoy sailors, how we endured the tough life as servants aboard Uncle Sam’s fighting ships and cutters, and how we assimilated into a culture much different from ours to chase the American dream. I am honored that Ray wrote about me in this book.

The book is available for purchase online at Barnes & Noble, Amazon and Authorhouse.