Nestor Palugod Enriquez
Coming to AmericaYesterday's history, tomorrow's a mystery. Today is a gift,and that's why we call it the present.
Before and After the Navy.
Reflecting the ocean in my half century..

This is the sunset at the North Pole with the moon at its closest point last month of 2009. A scene you will probably not get to see in person, the sun is below the moon. The sun is at the highest that it could have been high noon. So take a moment and enjoy God's work at the North Pole.
The sun and the moon captured by the ocean on top of the world. The game of Mahjong is the rarity of calling the win by dipping the moon under the ocean. The impossible odd but men would reach the moon in the last century of the last millennium.
The moon looks larger when it is low or closer to the horizon, but it is only is an illusion. The distance of the horizon at sea is the same anywhere. Walking on water, you can see the horizon about 3 miles all around. The earth is round and beyond you could not see below the plane. The moon couple hundred thousand miles away is visible on the plain of the horizon.

Visual calculation of the horizon enabled ancient sailors the distance of land and other vessels, just few tricks learned from boot camp.

Nuclear Submarine breaks the ice under the perpetual sun in North Pole, by drilling (buoyant force) the ice from the bottom. It is only the few times when the reinforced wings are on the upright….

Curios Bear paying unexpected visit to the new nuclear submarine.

USS ATULE (SS403) polar operation and after..
WWII Submarine USS ATULE SS403 saw action in the Battle of Leyte and then participated in the first US Navy arctic expedition in 1946. I reported on board the USS ATULE decade later, but I was already wishing for the USS Nautilus. She discovered the North West passage that eluded the Henry Hudson. Reaching the top of the world is almost climbing the Everest.
It was the '50.. the movie Parrish on my instant memory, but you probably remember Troy Donahue and Sandra Dee.. the song "Secret Love", in the background. It was no secret that I wanted to go to the top world and around just like my great grandfather. Troy says, "Yes, one night under the ice at the North Pole... it separated the men from the boys." The line I would never forget. For the first time US Navy declared it is underway under Nuclear power. Nautilus reached North Pole and the USS Triton went around the world underwater.

On April fool’s Day, the Triton was sighted by the only unauthorized person to spot the submarine during her secret voyage – a young Filipino man in a small dugout canoe about 50 yards. The periscope camera could snap several photos of this unexpected interloper through the ship's periscope before the Triton moved out of range. The November 1960 issue of National Geographic would identify of the fisherman as then 19-year-old Rufino Baring of Mactan Island, who believed that he had encountered a sea monster: "I was very frightened. I tried to get away as fast as I could. The most sophisticated and powerful warship, powered not by one nuclear plant but twin reactors onboard against the ancient boat.. Just half century earlier, it was almost Magellan armada against Lapu- lapu, I might even request the freedom of information act, whether the US Navy requested the Philippine government permission to navigate the Philippine water. For now, does anyone knows Rufino Baring? please, let me know.
The North Pole ice breaking event would be repeated many more times. Rufino might be closer to the great great grandson of Enrique. I missed my chance for the USS Triton, I could have duplicated my super Lolo Enrique. One submarine crew played baseball on top of the world. The pitching mounted true north (90 degree N) spotted by the submarine navigation gyros/ I am being the ultimate baseball fanatic would dream hitting the world series's home run on frozen tundra, I would hit the ball south empty bleacher even against the best of the current Cy Young pretenders. Yes I could go around the bases and all the world time zone and the world even against Tim Lincecum.

The Bear reminded me of men and the March of the Penguins of Punta Arenas on the other side of the world. It is the imitation of men standing just to see ahead. Yes, I was there too at the gateway of the Antarctica. The treacherous straight named after Magellan, Enrique was on his side. We stood up like the Penguins and bears. Why? The moment is frozen in my digital mind, but I have to take inventory of my fingers inside the thermal gloves every so often. It was only 60 degrees..

South polar bear standing precariously on ice..not due to global warming, just another submarine breaking through the ice..Ice fishing anyone? I feel I have been to the Mt Everest.

Just hundred miles away from Florida’s Disney World, the test firing of Ballistic Missile from my last home, the barangay called boomer…It was the make believe the world of Disney, and I am relieved that we never fired it in anger in the cold war era. The deterrent force lasted in my time.

Post Navy..2008 Last northern land trip in Anchorage, Alaska. The top of Mt McKinley will be next destination.;-)

nestor palugod enriquez