At a very young age, I was attacked by a stray dog while playing in our neighborhood. I had to undergo anti-rabies shots in my back for 25 days and I was miserable. The experience gave me dog phobia; I had tried to avoid being near dogs ever since. A couple of years ago I was introduced to Tekka, a beagle-hound belonging to my daughter and her husband. The more I got to know her the more I enjoyed her company. She is a loving and playful dog. I consider her our ‘grand dog’.
I have done several watercolor paintings of Tekka and they all ended up on display on the walls of my daughter’s living room. Recently I did another watercolor of Tekka at the request of my wife. The painting was from a photo I took of Tekka while we were wine-tasting in Anderson Valley early this year. This is probably the best one of Tekka I have done.